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About Us: Station History - 70th Birthday Newspaper Article

Radio station shining example
Anna Rose
Northern Daily Leader, Friday, 25 February 2005

RADIO 2TM staff have been in celebratory mode all week for the station's 70th birthday.

Seventy years of fun, news, views and music began with the vision of two local men – Ernest Higginbotham and Tom Whitcombe.

Upon Mr Higginbotham's passing, his widow Lea took up the baton, remaining as general manager of the station for some three decades.

Long-time 2TM announcer Mal McCall said Mrs Higginbotham was always "a lovely lady – very strict, strong, but extremely fair" in her dealings with employees.

Mal said 2TM was a shining example of what live, local radio could achieve in a community.

"We're live, we're immediate and for 70 years we've broadcasted non-stop through wars, floods, droughts and been part of people's lives all that time," Mal said.

Mal said one of the station's major achievements had been its role in establishing Tamworth as the Country Music Capital.

"Without 2TM, there would be no Country Music Capital, there's no doubt about that.

"Although we're not as involved as we once were, our heart's still in the country."

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